HMI system engineering
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HMI is the powerful graphic to provide industrial automation, process control and monitoring function.
If we use HMI, we can visualize and control industrial process. Besides, we can swiftly design, test and
operate the powerful automation application program
to connect the development environment
engineers can easily use to the real time information and transfer it.
System layout

- trend screen
- It is the screen to mark the trend recording data with graph.
It can be used for various fields such as real timer trend and long term history calendar in the shortest interval of one second.
- trend recombination screen
- It is the recombination screen to be able to register 8 process data every one screen of trend marking screen.
It can designate graph marking color or Y axis of second unit, scale value and graph marking renewing internal etc. on process data unit.
- alarm marking screen
- It is the screen to mark the process alarm in the order of being created.
The followings are available such as unidentified graph marking, alarm rank marking, and data marking in case of the error in upper and lower limit value of analog data.
It also has the guidance function for alarm.
- event history screen
- It can mark and print the history of past alarm history and device operation kept in hard disk.
Only necessary history information can be selected and marked as designating the search conditions such as time and alarm rank.
- instrumental window
- It is the window to be marked as touching the instrument in the screen.
It can set and operate the data in digital or analog method or do mode switch for instrument.
- instrumental graph screen
- It is the screen to mark instrumental degree of maximally 8 pieces on one screen.
- instrumental loop screen
- It is the screen to be able to perform more detailed marking and setting operation regarding one device.